Penelitian Informatika S-1
Clothing type classification using convolutional neural networks Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Putri R.G.A
Tahun : 2023
Spatial and Temporal Analysis of COVID-19 Cases in West Java, Indonesia and Its Influencing Factors Q1 Journal
Engineering Letters
Creator: Melina
Tahun : 2022
Classifier types of personal document imagery using convolutional neural network Q3 Journal
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Creator: Putri D.I.P
Tahun : 2023
A Conceptual Model of Investment-Risk Prediction in the Stock Market Using Extreme Value Theory with Machine Learning: A Semisystematic Literature Review Q1 Journal
Creator: Melina
Tahun : 2023
Recognition of cat ras of face and body using convolutional neural networks Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Aji A.W.
Tahun : 2023
Recommendations for cardiac disease prevention packages based on medical records with collaborative filtering recommendations using factorization matrix Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Nova C.C
Tahun : 2023
Microservices technology in citizen-centric E-government Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Saepuloh R.M.
Tahun : 2023
Wind speed prediction using independent component analysis and convolutional neural networks Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Melawati M.
Tahun : 2023
IImplementing geographical information system in selecting a proper health facilities based on analytical hierarchy process Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Reanto A.H.
Tahun : 2023
Indoor temporal spatial analysis on the movement of nurses in hospitals based on local Wi-Fi networks Q4 Journal
AIP Conference Proceedings
Creator: Mediyanti M.
Tahun : 2023